Waking up in the morning is always a chore, but this year as I am attempting to become something resembling a well-adjusted member of society, waking up, as tiring as it sounds, is something I have to do. Sometimes it’s the thought of having to sit in that chair for the rest of the day looking for an idea I could stretch, paper-thin and neatly place on a typed up document on my laptop that just makes me groan. Other times it’s simply the thought of having to hear my editor politely screaming at me about something I think she would call …" deadlines "(what's that?). Needless to say, my life is a bore.
Usually, I go through some random feeds on Instagram and tell myself it’s to find “inspiration”. Which, I suppose, would be the case for most people, but because it's me, it can't be anything other than that I'm bored out of my mind. At the end of the day, you could call me a lazy millennial if you really want to, but at the very least you can't say that I’m not self-aware.
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